通用数据模型解决了标准化电子健康记录(EHR)数据的许多挑战,但无法将其集成深度表型所需的资源。开放的生物学和生物医学本体论(OBO)铸造本体论提供了可用于生物学知识的语义计算表示,并能够整合多种生物医学数据。但是,将EHR数据映射到OBO Foundry本体论需要大量的手动策展和域专业知识。我们介绍了一个框架,用于将观察性医学成果合作伙伴关系(OMOP)标准词汇介绍给OBO铸造本体。使用此框架,我们制作了92,367条条件,8,615种药物成分和10,673个测量结果的映射。域专家验证了映射准确性,并且在24家医院进行检查时,映射覆盖了99%的条件和药物成分和68%的测量结果。最后,我们证明OMOP2OBO映射可以帮助系统地识别可能受益于基因检测的未诊断罕见病患者。
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子痫前期是孕产妇和胎儿发病率和死亡率的主要原因。目前,先兆子痫的唯一明确治疗方法是胎盘的递送,这对于疾病的发病机理至关重要。已经广泛地进行了鉴定出差异表达的基因(DEGS),已经进行了广泛的先兆子痫对人胎盘的转录分析。使用无偏见的测定法确定了DEG,但是,在实验上研究DEG的决策受到许多因素的偏见,导致许多DEGS仍未被评估。一组与疾病在实验上相关的DEG,但与文献中的疾病尚无相关性,被称为无知组。先兆子痫具有广泛的科学文献,大量的DEG数据库,只有一种确定的治疗方法。促进基于知识的分析的工具能够将许多来源的不同数据结合起来,以提出基本的行动机制,可能是支持发现并提高我们对这种疾病的理解的宝贵资源。在这项工作中,我们证明了如何使用生物医学知识图(KG)来识别新型的先兆子痫分子机制。现有的开源生物医学资源和公开可用的高通量转录分析数据用于识别和注释当前未经资助的先兆子痫相关的DEG的功能。使用文本挖掘方法从PubMed摘要中鉴定出与先兆子痫相关的基因。文本媒介和荟萃分析衍生的列表的相对补体被确定为未经投票的前启示性脱位相关的DEG(n = 445),即先前的无知组。使用KG研究相关的DEG,揭示了53种新型临床相关和生物学作用的机械关联。
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There are multiple scales of abstraction from which we can describe the same image, depending on whether we are focusing on fine-grained details or a more global attribute of the image. In brain mapping, learning to automatically parse images to build representations of both small-scale features (e.g., the presence of cells or blood vessels) and global properties of an image (e.g., which brain region the image comes from) is a crucial and open challenge. However, most existing datasets and benchmarks for neuroanatomy consider only a single downstream task at a time. To bridge this gap, we introduce a new dataset, annotations, and multiple downstream tasks that provide diverse ways to readout information about brain structure and architecture from the same image. Our multi-task neuroimaging benchmark (MTNeuro) is built on volumetric, micrometer-resolution X-ray microtomography images spanning a large thalamocortical section of mouse brain, encompassing multiple cortical and subcortical regions. We generated a number of different prediction challenges and evaluated several supervised and self-supervised models for brain-region prediction and pixel-level semantic segmentation of microstructures. Our experiments not only highlight the rich heterogeneity of this dataset, but also provide insights into how self-supervised approaches can be used to learn representations that capture multiple attributes of a single image and perform well on a variety of downstream tasks. Datasets, code, and pre-trained baseline models are provided at: https://mtneuro.github.io/ .
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We investigate how humans perform the task of dubbing video content from one language into another, leveraging a novel corpus of 319.57 hours of video from 54 professionally produced titles. This is the first such large-scale study we are aware of. The results challenge a number of assumptions commonly made in both qualitative literature on human dubbing and machine-learning literature on automatic dubbing, arguing for the importance of vocal naturalness and translation quality over commonly emphasized isometric (character length) and lip-sync constraints, and for a more qualified view of the importance of isochronic (timing) constraints. We also find substantial influence of the source-side audio on human dubs through channels other than the words of the translation, pointing to the need for research on ways to preserve speech characteristics, as well as semantic transfer such as emphasis/emotion, in automatic dubbing systems.
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This work presents a detailed linguistic analysis into why larger Transformer-based pre-trained language models with more parameters and lower perplexity nonetheless yield surprisal estimates that are less predictive of human reading times. First, regression analyses show a strictly monotonic, positive log-linear relationship between perplexity and fit to reading times for the more recently released five GPT-Neo variants and eight OPT variants on two separate datasets, replicating earlier results limited to just GPT-2 (Oh et al., 2022). Subsequently, analysis of residual errors reveals a systematic deviation of the larger variants, such as underpredicting reading times of named entities and making compensatory overpredictions for reading times of function words such as modals and conjunctions. These results suggest that the propensity of larger Transformer-based models to 'memorize' sequences during training makes their surprisal estimates diverge from humanlike expectations, which warrants caution in using pre-trained language models to study human language processing.
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Market sentiment analysis on social media content requires knowledge of both financial markets and social media jargon, which makes it a challenging task for human raters. The resulting lack of high-quality labeled data stands in the way of conventional supervised learning methods. Instead, we approach this problem using semi-supervised learning with a large language model (LLM). Our pipeline generates weak financial sentiment labels for Reddit posts with an LLM and then uses that data to train a small model that can be served in production. We find that prompting the LLM to produce Chain-of-Thought summaries and forcing it through several reasoning paths helps generate more stable and accurate labels, while using a regression loss further improves distillation quality. With only a handful of prompts, the final model performs on par with existing supervised models. Though production applications of our model are limited by ethical considerations, the model's competitive performance points to the great potential of using LLMs for tasks that otherwise require skill-intensive annotation.
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Contrastive learning has been successfully used for retrieval of semantically aligned sentences, but it often requires large batch sizes or careful engineering to work well. In this paper, we instead propose a generative model for learning multilingual text embeddings which can be used to retrieve or score sentence pairs. Our model operates on parallel data in $N$ languages and, through an approximation we introduce, efficiently encourages source separation in this multilingual setting, separating semantic information that is shared between translations from stylistic or language-specific variation. We show careful large-scale comparisons between contrastive and generation-based approaches for learning multilingual text embeddings, a comparison that has not been done to the best of our knowledge despite the popularity of these approaches. We evaluate this method on a suite of tasks including semantic similarity, bitext mining, and cross-lingual question retrieval -- the last of which we introduce in this paper. Overall, our Variational Multilingual Source-Separation Transformer (VMSST) model outperforms both a strong contrastive and generative baseline on these tasks.
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A central challenge of building more powerful Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) is the oversmoothing phenomenon, where increasing the network depth leads to homogeneous node representations and thus worse classification performance. While previous works have only demonstrated that oversmoothing is inevitable when the number of graph convolutions tends to infinity, in this paper, we precisely characterize the mechanism behind the phenomenon via a non-asymptotic analysis. Specifically, we distinguish between two different effects when applying graph convolutions -- an undesirable mixing effect that homogenizes node representations in different classes, and a desirable denoising effect that homogenizes node representations in the same class. By quantifying these two effects on random graphs sampled from the Contextual Stochastic Block Model (CSBM), we show that oversmoothing happens once the mixing effect starts to dominate the denoising effect, and the number of layers required for this transition is $O(\log N/\log (\log N))$ for sufficiently dense graphs with $N$ nodes. We also extend our analysis to study the effects of Personalized PageRank (PPR) on oversmoothing. Our results suggest that while PPR mitigates oversmoothing at deeper layers, PPR-based architectures still achieve their best performance at a shallow depth and are outperformed by the graph convolution approach on certain graphs. Finally, we support our theoretical results with numerical experiments, which further suggest that the oversmoothing phenomenon observed in practice may be exacerbated by the difficulty of optimizing deep GNN models.
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Dialect differences caused by regional, social, and economic barriers cause performance discrepancies for many groups of users of language technology. Fair, inclusive, and equitable language technology must critically be dialect invariant, meaning that performance remains constant over dialectal shifts. Current English systems often fall significantly short of this ideal since they are designed and tested on a single dialect: Standard American English. We introduce Multi-VALUE -- a suite of resources for evaluating and achieving English dialect invariance. We build a controllable rule-based translation system spanning 50 English dialects and a total of 189 unique linguistic features. Our translation maps Standard American English text to synthetic form of each dialect, which uses an upper-bound on the natural density of features in that dialect. First, we use this system to build stress tests for question answering, machine translation, and semantic parsing tasks. Stress tests reveal significant performance disparities for leading models on non-standard dialects. Second, we use this system as a data augmentation technique to improve the dialect robustness of existing systems. Finally, we partner with native speakers of Chicano and Indian English to release new gold-standard variants of the popular CoQA task.
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We present a novel corpus for French dialect identification comprising 413,522 French text samples collected from public news websites in Belgium, Canada, France and Switzerland. To ensure an accurate estimation of the dialect identification performance of models, we designed the corpus to eliminate potential biases related to topic, writing style, and publication source. More precisely, the training, validation and test splits are collected from different news websites, while searching for different keywords (topics). This leads to a French cross-domain (FreCDo) dialect identification task. We conduct experiments with four competitive baselines, a fine-tuned CamemBERT model, an XGBoost based on fine-tuned CamemBERT features, a Support Vector Machines (SVM) classifier based on fine-tuned CamemBERT features, and an SVM based on word n-grams. Aside from presenting quantitative results, we also make an analysis of the most discriminative features learned by CamemBERT. Our corpus is available at https://github.com/MihaelaGaman/FreCDo.
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